Friday, November 6, 2009

I will start with the good.....

wow! sure has been a while. so much crap has happened I dont even know where to start!

My nephews are fantastic! all three of them. being around any one of them makes me wanna get pregnat and have a baby...i then one will have a "poopsplosion" or get sick, and i change my mind. I guess that is just a clear sign that I am really not "ready". but i will be someday, i hope.

work is good, i just switched jobs and I feel less stressed about things for now.

life is good, Logan is good.

I started going to the gym. right now I call it "project swimsuit" but as Michelle pointed out that is a pretty lame title. so i will have to think up something like "project thunder bird!" but who knows.

so that is most of the good news! i will post the "less good" news later. i hate calling it "bad" news because it is what it is.

well i have to get back to work now.