Friday, February 18, 2011

Stress is a real bitch....

Registered for classes last night, I WILL have my Bachelors degree before this year is over! I hope anyway.

Got home last night and felt like crap.....and then threw up, and I NEVER throw up .....and then felt 100% better. I feel as though I need to write in here that I am not pregnant.

This topic has been coming up a lot lately, and sometimes by my own doing. It seems as though as I get older and Logan and I get further on the house, people are not pushing us to have a baby, but almost waiting for us to tell them that we are. Do I want kids? oh yes. DO I want them now? well, that's a toughie. yes and no. Yes, I would be thrilled to tell our families that we are expecting. Every time i see a baby, i swear my uterus yells at me. Do I think we could handle it? If we were faced with it, I am 100% sure we as a couple could handle it. It wouldn't be easy, and have not fairytale notions about having children and raising them, but I still very much want them. And No because it's so life changing! I mean EVERYTHING will change. our relationship, routine, and it is scary to think about. It has been just the two of us for SO LONG, 9 years, just us, its hard to imagine tossing an innocent baby into that I think it is all coming from everyone around me being pregnant, girls at work, sister in law, and the fact that all my nephews are about the cutest and sweetest boys on earth. That, and I am almost 27....I feel as though my clock keeps getting louder...

I think yesterday just sucked, work was crazy, school shit, trying to square all the tax stuff away, thinking about babies....oy. I didn't realize how stressed I was until I was just sitting in the car and almost burst into to tears for generally no real reason. But I am better now, and it's Friday, and I am looking forward to lunch with the girls to celebrate one of my co-workers birthdays. And hopefully, this weekend will bring some progress on the house!

Peace out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

my tooth hurts....

I mean it REALLY HURTS! I had a temporary filling put in like over a year ago and have been procrastinating on getting the root canal because 1.) I don't want to pay that much money and 2.) I HATE the thought of any dental procedure. i mean I am down right terrified to go to the dentist.

SO I have made the decision to just get the tooth removed. I know the orthodontist wont be happy about it, but it needs to be done. I made an appointment for Monday, but I don't know if I will be able to make it that long. I think the tooth may be infected, and I just want it out before it gets worse. I may call and see if they can get me in today or tomorrow to at least get a better idea of what is going on. For now, i will just try not to O D on Motrin.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Going to the gym sucks.

title pretty much says it all. I don't like to work out. I don't like to be sweaty. I don't like to leave the house after I get home from work, because I am SO TIRED! But the gym is right across the street which makes it much easier to get to and much harder to make excuses not to go. I have to stick with it, I just wish I had a way to motivate MYSELF to go. Logan tries, but it mostly ends up with me being mad at him for not particular reason.

OY! I hope I can get myself motivated!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

to the GYM!

went ot the gym lasy night, and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I know that doesnt sound like a lot, but the meer fact that I acctually went to the gym, is an accomplishement for me. I wanted to weigh myself and start tracking it, but the scale is in the weight room that was full of meaty looking men that could bounce quarters off there abs, so I decided not to walk my chubby self in there for all to see, but next time.

peace out!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A new year.

Okay, so new year new me right? HA!

So I am on the weight loss wagon again. I have a lot of things going on this year and I need to look and more importantly FEEL good again. I feel like a fatty McFatfat.

1.) Logan's 10 year reunion is this year and I Want to look devastatingly beautiful!

2.) I just want to feel like myself again. I am not talking supper model skinny, but 8 years ago, when we met i did not look or feel like I do. I am uncomfortable in my own skin. I need to get serious and stop screwing around. TO THE GYM!

3.) I WILL wear a swim suit in public this year.

we did just join the gym. And we need to get into the rhythm. Its hard to get a new routine going, but we need to get out of this slump we are in: work - home - TV - Bed - Repeat. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!

The house is coming along good. I will be happy when we can start getting some paint on the walls, that will make me feel more accomplished. We have done a crap ton of work, but it doesn't look like we have. All in due time I guess. I am just excited and anxious for the day when I can start setting up my gigantic house so I can use it!

That's all for now. I promise to make a more valiant effort to update this more often.....if anyone besides me reads it.
