Tuesday, February 17, 2009

it's been a few weeks...

and life continues. it's been boring around here.....yeah right!

So last week my boss told me she has to cut my hours, ouch. I am supposed to do all me work in 35 hours a week, doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. I hate my job! I took the state test yesterday and I think I aced it, it was a lot of common sense stuff. I have to wait 6WEEKS for my score, and then I can apply my score to other jobs that I see posted, hopefully I get a high one and get put at the top of the list, it would be nice. I really don't know how much longer I can do the job I have, i hate it more and more everyday. I feel bad that I might have to leave the consumers, but they will be left in good hands I am sure.

Logan is good. I love him very much. He has been supportive of all my hissy fits and declarations of hate for my job, I hope he knows how much that helped me. well, back to work....blah!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

getting older.......

I feel better today. My tooth hurts, but until I decide to spend $800 to fix it, it will continue to hurt. I got a letter from Empire state Collage yesterday; I am officially enrolled in the May semester. Fun fun, Bachelors degree here I come! Of course in all my planning for this I did not think about the trip we are supposed to take out west at the end of June, and since I am guessing these semesters last more than a month, I am going to have to work something out, whether it be a wi-fi connection, or if I can get my work done before I go, who knows, but I don’t want to delay starting in May, I want to get this done and over with by the time we either build or buy a house. I want to have a good job and make decent money by the time we want to have kids. I will get it done, and so will Logan as soon as he decides what he wants to do with himself. He will find something that grabs his interest. Getting older blows……..

Monday, February 2, 2009

I feel like.....

CRAP!!!! my head hurts, my neck aches,a nd my throat and ears are all ick.....I thought I was just tired this morning but it would seem I am having my first sickness of the winter. that past few years I have somehow dodged a bullet, I haven't been all that sick, but I think it's headed towards an illness. I hope I can hold out for the weekend, I really don't want to use any sicktime, I need to save it up for out vacation this summer. Oy....

the super bowl SUCKED!! the cardinals blew it!!! they had it and they BLEW IT!! i always try to route for the underdogs, but they played the second half like pop warner players, it was ridiculous! and that last touchdown!! 3 GUYS CAN'T STOP ! FROM CATCHING THE BALL!! what the hell! oh well. football gets me all fired up....

other than that, it was a good weekend.