Friday, February 18, 2011

Stress is a real bitch....

Registered for classes last night, I WILL have my Bachelors degree before this year is over! I hope anyway.

Got home last night and felt like crap.....and then threw up, and I NEVER throw up .....and then felt 100% better. I feel as though I need to write in here that I am not pregnant.

This topic has been coming up a lot lately, and sometimes by my own doing. It seems as though as I get older and Logan and I get further on the house, people are not pushing us to have a baby, but almost waiting for us to tell them that we are. Do I want kids? oh yes. DO I want them now? well, that's a toughie. yes and no. Yes, I would be thrilled to tell our families that we are expecting. Every time i see a baby, i swear my uterus yells at me. Do I think we could handle it? If we were faced with it, I am 100% sure we as a couple could handle it. It wouldn't be easy, and have not fairytale notions about having children and raising them, but I still very much want them. And No because it's so life changing! I mean EVERYTHING will change. our relationship, routine, and it is scary to think about. It has been just the two of us for SO LONG, 9 years, just us, its hard to imagine tossing an innocent baby into that I think it is all coming from everyone around me being pregnant, girls at work, sister in law, and the fact that all my nephews are about the cutest and sweetest boys on earth. That, and I am almost 27....I feel as though my clock keeps getting louder...

I think yesterday just sucked, work was crazy, school shit, trying to square all the tax stuff away, thinking about babies....oy. I didn't realize how stressed I was until I was just sitting in the car and almost burst into to tears for generally no real reason. But I am better now, and it's Friday, and I am looking forward to lunch with the girls to celebrate one of my co-workers birthdays. And hopefully, this weekend will bring some progress on the house!

Peace out.


  1. can always take the batteries out of that clock.

