Thursday, January 15, 2009

back to the salt mines...

well I took yesterday off from work, I just needed a day, that and I had a pretty wicked headache all day. but here I am getting so much work you can tell....I just really hate my job. Not to mention I could do it in about 20 hrs a week not he 40 I spend trapped in my office, but oh well. I get paid to sit here and type blogs.

On a happy note, my friend here at work is getting married in late summer early fall! I love seeing people get married. especially when you can tell they belong together, and these two do. Thanks to my wedding ( thank you again Laura) I have all these examples of what she could do that won't cost her a fortune. I hope I don't overwhelm her, but times a ticking....

Other than that, not much going on. we are talking about moving out west again, I wish WE could make a disicion. I know what Logan wants, but even he is a little hesitant now that Jack is around and we have another neice/nephew on the way, It just doesn't seem like the time to go. But on the other hand, we should go now, and caom back in 2 or 3 years, that way we can say we did it and then start a family of our own, who knows. We are both just unhappy with the way things are here, mostly job related. And unless this job with the state goes through for me ( I take the test on 2/16) we will start more activly planning to go westward...oh boy. My mom would be sad, but she would be okay as long as I am happy, that's what she always tells me, and my father in law would probobly pack our stuff for us, he really wants us to go and experience it. we will see...we will see....we are planning a trip this summer to drive out there, you never know maybee I will find a good job out there on vacation, here's hoping.

Other than Than life is good!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I just got a flash in my head of John lovingly wrapping your knick-knacks with bubble paper. I bet he would!
