Thursday, January 29, 2009

what a week....

oy...what a much crap, so little time.

So the weekend was good. I feel like I got nothing accomplished, but that's okay. I spent Sunday over at the in-law's watching my father in law come close to breaking his neck several times while working on a ladder in the gagrage. my suggestion is that he never be allowed to do work on a ladder by himself, he is just crazy sometimes! I also pulled apart my motorcycle, only to find it is in much worse condition that I thought, but oh well. maybee we will rebuild it, maybee not.

The work week was the same as always, busy but not too busy. I still don't like my job, but when I acctually have things to get done, I am okay with it and I don't dwell as much on how much I would rather be stabbing myself in the eye with a dull pencil than work here one more minute, but since the lottery ticket I bought for last nights drawing didn't pan out, I will trudge on...

I worked at CARS last night, what a bunch of fools! half the people in there just don't have a clue. they are 18, 19,20 years old and they think they have life figured out, even though they are in a rehab, they "know what's best" for them....morrons....

The Yellow festiva is being considered a "total loss" by the insurance company because it will probobly take moer money to fix it that the damn thing is worth, bummer...

But alas, I have a (hopefully) fun and busy weekend ahead of me:

Friday: work...blah! but then we get to go see the Jackles play in Elmira nd we have a box (thanks steph and Jimmy!)

Saturday: Shopping extravaganza with Michelle! even if it is is's very theraputic i think! and then maybee do the mounds of laundry that need to get done!

Sunday: SUPERBOWL!!!!! although this is a bit depressing for me because it means football is over and my Sundays now have no meaning (Sorry Jesus) I at least get to go hang out with friends and watch the Cardinals womp the steelers ( here's hoping anyway!)

and that should just about tucker me out for the weekend. yippee....I think I might need to invest in some red bull!!!

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